Friday, March 27, 2020

Answer for connecting to server SQL – Mac -

Hi Bola O!

Thanks for reaching out.

Thank you also for providing all this information. However, can you please tell us what happens if you choose “Connect” as opposed to “Edit Connection…”, if you have both these options available?

Then, can you please double-check the password you are using to access the connection (hence, check for CapsLock being turned on/off, the language of your keyboard while typing the password. 

Moreover, please support your questions with screenshot(s), if you this could be relevant.
We are sorry we cannot provide a quick one-step solution, but such type of issues are very case-specific and it might take a few steps and some time before you manage to resolve the problem.

Finally, if you are certain that the problem relates to the password you are trying to access the connection with, then you’d need to reset it (and that’s not a very intuitive task), or just remove MySQL from your Mac completely, and then install it “fresh” again.

Looking forward to your answer.
The 365 Team

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