Friday, March 6, 2020

Answer for Two Factorials -

Hey Kam,

Thanks for reaching out!

So, we’re introducing factorials because people might not be familiar with the notation. Additionally, we wanted to show what (n+k)! and (n-k)! factorial looks like (where k is just another number like 1, or 4). We also wanted to show what dividing factorials by one another results in, so we displayed n!/k! here.

How about n<k, is there any formula we can use? 

Then, we’d just have the same result, as n!/k!, but it would be in the denominator, rather than the numerator.

Also, what is k stand for?

We’re explaining the algebraic properties of integrals here, so k can be anything we want. In this case, it’s just a constant number.



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