Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Answer for Which programming language for environmental science ? -

Hey Maria, 

great to have you with us!

I’d recommend first of all Python. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it gives you a lot of options for what you can do with the language. On top of that, since Python is also open-source, anyone can contribute to developing the language. In fact, that seems to be a trend going back to the last 5 years or so, and Python is becoming more and more popular across all fields. 

Secondly, for a university degree, you could take a look at R. R is a language for statistical computing, so it is specifically intended for statistical modelling. In addition, it is the language of choice for many universities, especially for subjects, which aren’t computer science centered.

I think both would be good options, which are beginner friendly(that’s a loose term, but anyways..)! Hope this narrows it down a bit.




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