Wednesday, March 18, 2020

New Course! Git and GitHub with Giles McMullen-Klein -

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We’re excited to announce the launch of the latest addition to the 365 Data Science Program: The Git and GitHub Course starring one of our top instructors – Giles McMullen-Klein!

Giles is a British data scientist who discovered his talent for Python programming while doing medical research at Oxford University. He is also a beloved Python and data science vlogger with more than 133,000 subscribers and over 3 million views in his YouTube channel.

His new course guides you through the fundamentals of version control for data science with Git – the go-to tool for every data scientist who wants to tackle their projects with ease.

You’ll learn how to keep record of all major changes you make to your code, work on several versions of your code simultaneously, and track the evolution of every single record you’ve made.

In addition, you’ll discover the advantages of storing your code online using GitHub to enable access and collaborations on your projects.

The Git and GitHub Course is a great extension Giles’s other course –  the Python Programmer Bootcamp. Both courses are part of the 365 Data Science Program, so current subscribers can access the courses at no extra cost.

To learn more about the 365 Data Science Program curriculum or enroll in the 365 Data Science Program, please visit our Courses page.

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