Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Answer for Do I need to learn both Tensor Flow 2.0 and Tensor Flow 1.0?

https://365datascience.com/dwqa-answer/answer-for-do-i-need-to-learn-both-tensor-flow-2-0-and-tensor-flow-1-0/ -

Hi Varun,

This is a very good observation.

Regarding our courses, the theoretical parts are the same. However, the code is different for the two versions. 
After all the theory of NNs doesn’t change. Only the version of TensorFlow does.

Regarding the usage of TF1 and TF2, TF2 is obviously the superior choice. However, many companies are still using codes that were written in TF1 that is why you may need to learn TF1 some time in the future.


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