Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Answer for further steps in learning DS after this course

https://365datascience.com/dwqa-answer/answer-for-further-steps-in-learning-ds-after-this-course/ -

Hi Emin!

Thanks the very kind words and reaching out.

Thank you also for asking us about such an important subject – the future steps to make in your career as a Data Scientist.

I must say that what I will say will only be my personal idea and will perhaps help as a few guidelines or, rather, things to consider as next steps or while making your next steps. Regardless of that, any final decision will be yours and I am sure will depend on multiple factors such as the precise syllabus of the courses you are about to do or the reputation of the institution you intend to go to.

Let me first say that studying CS is a great material and skill set to build on should you wish to become a Data Scientist. This will give strong fundamentals in writing your own code at a higher level.

DS and ML are disciplines that are also extremely needed today and being proficient in them is a huge advantage. However, to be able to excel in your work in DS or ML, it is best for you to have decided to focus more on the quantitative and analytic part of Data Science, as opposed to the programming one. 

So, it rather is up to you, and I’d say wherever you feel more confident and willing to improve, perhaps that should be the area to approach.

Regarding the 365 Program – that’s exactly why we created it! We wanted to provide a centralised Program that can always help you to set on the right track. Therefore, completing the topics or even just checking on most of the topics will help you obtain a better idea on what to do text.

Furthermore, please don’t forget that we are always aiming to import more content in the Program. So, while you are moving forward, there will always be some new content added on our list, helping you to further enrich your skillset.

Hope this helps.

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