Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Answer for Introduction to R programming -

Hi Michael, 

thanks for reaching out! Let’s go through the different answers. 

  1. ‘Vectors are a sequence of data elements that are of the same type’ – is correct. 

       2.’Multiplying two vectors returns a matrix’ – The multiplication of two vectors doesn’t always a return matrix, it could return on a                    single value(technically a single value could also be seen as 1×1 matrix, so this answer isn’t posed completely correctly). 

       3. ‘R returns an error message if you try to do operations on vectors of different lengths’ – When it comes to multiplying vectors of                 different lengths, R doesn’t throw an error. Instead it does so called recycling, i.e. recycles the shorter of the two vectors to match             the length of the longer one and perform the operation. 

       4. ‘All of the above’. We’ve discussed that 2 and 3 are not true. => Only the first of the four answers is strictly true.



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