Friday, July 31, 2020

Answer for Quiz: Null vs Alternative (Question 1) -

Hi Harold,

Thanks for reaching out.

There is one more important consideration. The equality sign is always included in the null hypothesis. That is why they are reversed!


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Answer for ValueError -

Hi there,

Well, the function is expecting a 2D array. 

Therefore, to achieve the desired result, please write: reg.predict([[3200]]).


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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Answer for Accuracy of the model exercise -

Hi Lisa,

Absolutely correct – this is an omission on our side!

We have now reworked the resources and reuploaded them!


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Answer for Do we use z-score or t-score when we have a large number of data with unknown population variance? -

Hi Harold,

Thanks for reaching out.

When we have unknown population variance we normally use the T-statistic.

However, after 100 degrees of freedom (when the sample is bigger than approximately 100), the T-table and the Z-table practically coincide. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter which one you use. 

The T distribution is developed to mimic the Normal distribution for small sample sizes. Therefore, it is no surprise that with more than 100 observations (when the sample becomes large enough) the two coincide (the T-distribution perfectly mimics the Normal distribution).


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Answer for Statistic -

Hi Archisman,

Thanks for this question.

We are rounding the numbers up, because if we get a confidence interval from (2,5.4), this would be mathematically rounded to 5, right? 

However, anything from 5.0 until 5.4 would require 6 pairs of shoes. Therefore, it makes sense to round the number of pairs up!


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Answer for Data science future in Manufacturing Industry -

Hi there,

Unfortunately, we cannot really give you great insight on the topic as this is a rather specific case. However, after researching for a bit I think I found these useful links:

  1. Pivoting My Career from Mechanical Engineer to Data Scientist

  2. Advice From A Mechanical Engineer Considering Data Science

  3. How a mechanical engineer transitioned to a data analyst role.


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Answer for How to create a histogram chart in Excel with numerical intervals? -

Hi Gergely,

Please refer to the course notes available with this lecture:

There, you will find detailed instructions on how to achieve that.

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Answer for Students T statistic -

Hi Archisman,

This is the standard error for a case, where we’ve got pooled variance.

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Answer for Couldn't install VSCode with Anaconda -

Hi Jason,

Have you considered using pip?

pip install vscode-dl

should do the trick!

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Answer for How many nodes should exist within a hidden layer of a neural network? -

Hi John,

Thanks for reaching out.

The number of nodes in a hidden layer can vary. There is no “rule” to determine it.

There is one big consideration though! If you have 5 input nodes and you have 2 nodes in the consequent hidden layer, you are not creating information, you are decreasing the dimensionality of the problem (thus losing information). Therefore, in general, we want to have more hidden nodes in the hidden layers than there are nodes in the input layer. 

This is also the reason why in all pictures we represent the hidden layers with more nodes than the input layer.



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Answer for How do dummy variables meet the linearity assumption? -

Hi Varun, Thanks for reaching out. First of all, price-size is obviously alright, so I won\’t comment on it. Second, you can use a parameter called \’alpha\’ when plotting and set it to a number between 0 and 1, e.g. alpha = 0.5 to see the actual density of the points. Third, when we have a relationship like price and view. Since view is a dummy variable, the linearity assumption does not need to hold. It is included in the regression in a different way (that is why it is called a \’dummy\’ / indicator it is not a real variable and does not need to be treated like one). So linearity is fine. Finally, we\’ve got year. You have correctly identified that it behaves strangely. It behaves more like a dummy rather than a continuous variable, right? And that is precisely the case. If we had the interval from 1900 to 2010 then it would have looked linear. However, if you have just a couple of years like in this example, then you could treat it as a categorical variable (and create several dummies). This is not uncommon practice! Iliya  

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Answer for Unable to load packages on R studio -

Hi Abdul, 

thanks for reaching out! Did you install the packages prior to loading them?

If you’re using a package for the first time in R, you should install it prior to using it. You can do so, by running the following code either in your console or from your script:


to install the psych package and same procedure for any remaining package which you’re using for the first time.

Keep in mind that you only need to install the package one time before you can start using it. After that you can just refer to the library(“psych”) without the need for installing it every time.




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Answer for Matrix multiplication -

Hi Lisa, 

to be honest with you, the phrasing on the question could be a bit more precise. 

What is meant in b) is: You multiply two incompatible matrices. 

Because of course, matrix multiplication of matrices A * B, requires A to have dimensions of (mxn) and B to be of size (nxm) for them to be compatible. This of course means that if m and n are not equal, the matrices are of different sizes, multiplying them however, requires no recycling.

In addition, the answer in a) should read : You multiple a matrix by a vector, when the two are incompatible

For instance, multiplying a mxn matrix by a nx1 vector requires no recycling.

Thanks for asking the question and sorry for the confusion!



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Answer for Frequency Distribution Table -

Hi Mark,

Thanks for reaching out.

First of all, if you want to attach a screenshot, you can always use a service such as Imgur: Other than that, as a ‘Super learner’ you should be able to upload directly, too.

When you copy-paste the formula, you should make sure that the references are correct. Could you please provide a screenshot of the formula here?


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Answer for How to Install TensorFlow 2 in Anaconda -

Hi Lawal,

Have you tried running both:

conda install tensorflow


pip install tensorflow

Sometimes the distribution is not found in one place, but is at the other. Generally, if you can find a package on you can then install it with pip.



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Answer for English subtitles -

Hi Claudio,

Thanks for reaching out.

At this point we have placed subtitles only under some of the videos. Note that we are actively working on updating our learning management system and we will aim to have subtitles for all videos then.


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Answer for Creating a Table - Problem with de sheet -

Hello, Kendell !

First, you have to make sure that you have the “Clened with Data Interpreter” box ticked:

Then, you must change the Period field to “String” before typing the formula.

Hope this helps!


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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Answer for further steps in learning DS after this course -

Hi Emin!

Thanks the very kind words and reaching out.

Thank you also for asking us about such an important subject – the future steps to make in your career as a Data Scientist.

I must say that what I will say will only be my personal idea and will perhaps help as a few guidelines or, rather, things to consider as next steps or while making your next steps. Regardless of that, any final decision will be yours and I am sure will depend on multiple factors such as the precise syllabus of the courses you are about to do or the reputation of the institution you intend to go to.

Let me first say that studying CS is a great material and skill set to build on should you wish to become a Data Scientist. This will give strong fundamentals in writing your own code at a higher level.

DS and ML are disciplines that are also extremely needed today and being proficient in them is a huge advantage. However, to be able to excel in your work in DS or ML, it is best for you to have decided to focus more on the quantitative and analytic part of Data Science, as opposed to the programming one. 

So, it rather is up to you, and I’d say wherever you feel more confident and willing to improve, perhaps that should be the area to approach.

Regarding the 365 Program – that’s exactly why we created it! We wanted to provide a centralised Program that can always help you to set on the right track. Therefore, completing the topics or even just checking on most of the topics will help you obtain a better idea on what to do text.

Furthermore, please don’t forget that we are always aiming to import more content in the Program. So, while you are moving forward, there will always be some new content added on our list, helping you to further enrich your skillset.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for If Python of the library has enormous packages, why we still need to use R, SQL, Tableau, and Power BI? -

Hi Yanhao!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

This is a great question indeed. 

Usually, each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as areas where it is strong and such where it is not that applicable.

An advantage (and theoretically sometimes a disadvantage) for R and Python is the fact that they are open-source. Therefore, they are accessible to millions of people and allow you to do analysis and analytics and practically no cost.

They are not the tools that are best for working with relational database management systems. In fact, SQL is the language that has been designed to do that. This means it has greater capacity to deliver specific parts of the given data set when the tables in it have been related in a specific way.

Power BI and Tableau join the picture with another very strong ability – they can very quickly interrelate and integrate the work of several software tools, as well as provide you with a very large set of visualisations that you can quickly and efficiently create.

Therefore, each software can be used for obtaining a different goal. Moreover, sometimes different software tools can be integrated to solve more complicated tasks. As a matter of fact – that’s what we’ll do later in the Program – we’ll show you later how to integrate Python, SQL, and Tableau to solve a certain business task.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for question with the the part of SQL+tableau in chart 2 -

Hi Yanhao!

Thanks for reaching out.

I am sorry to have missed answering your question earlier. Please accept my apologies for the delayed response. 

The reason is sticking to best practices. In this example, the primary key of t_departments is the dept_no column, not dept_name

The idea is that theoretically, the same department names may have been used for different department numbers (although this is not logical, is highly unlikely, and is not what what happens in the t_employees database, it might happen by mistake and our code can be prepared for sorting the problem in such a scenario). That’s why GROUP BY the primary key column , which is dept_no.

To prove this, please feel free to refer to the DDL tab of the t_departments table.

CREATE TABLE `t_departments` (
`dept_no` char(4) NOT NULL,
`dept_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`dept_no`),
UNIQUE KEY `dept_name` (`dept_name`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

Hope this helps.

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Answer for Functions, dictionaries & while -

Hi Andre!

Thanks for reaching out.

The function returns a single value. So, if you execute Price_while(5), you will be referring to the “lasagna” as you say. It is the only meal whose price is greater than or equal to 5, therefore we have 5*10=50 currency units spent.

Then, if you execute Price_while(4), you will be referring to the price spent for a box of spaghetti, which will be 4*6=24.

To obtain the result from the lecture, please use the code provided there. Thank you.

Hope this helps but please feel free to get back to us should you need further assistance. Thank you.

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Answer for SQL Stored Procedures OUT, User-Defined Functions - Question regarding Query -

Hi Maros!

Thanks for reaching out.

Since the data in our database has been organised perfectly well, your intuition should be perfectly correct. 

We’ve written the query this way because it is supposed to work even if the salaries table contains employee numbers that have not been present in the employees table. 

Therefore, please feel free to share your query with the Community since in our case, your query is expected to deliver identical results.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for Question of certificate -

Hi Elegbede,

The certificate is typically awarded at the end of the course. 

You can find full information regarding that here:


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Answer for Loan_Data CSV files do not contain data needed for exercises (Credit Risk Modeling) -

Hi Don,

You can find all necessary files at this location:


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Answer for problem while installing tensorflow 2.0 -

Hi there,

Please try updating all conda and all conda packages.

To achieve that, please write:

conda update conda

and then

conda update --all

Let us know if it worked for you!


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Answer for Do I need to learn both Tensor Flow 2.0 and Tensor Flow 1.0? -

Hi Varun,

This is a very good observation.

Regarding our courses, the theoretical parts are the same. However, the code is different for the two versions. 
After all the theory of NNs doesn’t change. Only the version of TensorFlow does.

Regarding the usage of TF1 and TF2, TF2 is obviously the superior choice. However, many companies are still using codes that were written in TF1 that is why you may need to learn TF1 some time in the future.


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Answer for No module named 'tensorflow.examples.tutorials' -

Hi there,

In fact, the two are two separate courses.

Both courses follow the same theoretical lectures. However, the code is different for the two versions. After all the theory of NNs doesn’t change. Only the version of TensorFlow does.

Apart from the TensorFlow version, the knowledge that you will gain will be unchanged!

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Answer for Advanced statistical methods in Python no longer available -

Hi Lisa,

Does this problem still persist?


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Answer for Hypothesis Testing -

Hi Archisman,

The hypothesized value in this case (and in any other) is the value that we decide prior to the test. In this case, we want to check if the difference is -4%, thus the hypothesized value is -4%.


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Answer for Free Subscription -

Hi Bhaskar,

This is actually a phenomenon which occurs when you already have an account and are trying to create a new one.


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Answer for I cannot see videos -

Hi there,

Could you please share a screenshot of the issue that you are having so we can help you better?


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Answer for How can i get email for Power BI subscription -

Hi Siddardha,

We have sent you the details directly to your mail.


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Answer for Attachment not found: credit risk modelling -

Hi Vankat,

We have decided to make this file unavailable, unless you manage to run the code thus far.


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Answer for Price Elasticities with and without Promotion -

Hi Jo, 

thanks for reaching out!

The reason we have different price elasticities is exactly as you say – because we have two different models. Our models determine the prices elasticity based on the input features, and in the second case we have a promotion feature. Although we assume there is no promotion at the time, we still factor it in the decision making process, which is why we get different results in both cases. 



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Monday, July 27, 2020

Answer for I cant crack insert table exercise 1 where im getting an error because im trying to insert 3 values into title which has four columns -

Hi dean!

Thanks for reaching out and please accept my apology for the delayed response.

Please stick to our general request to execute all code you see in the lectures and the exercises, in the given order. Doing this will prevent you from encountering some errors, such as this one – Error Code: 1452.


This error appears if you have already created another table, employees, where you have missed inserting data about the individual with id 999903. The relationship you have established between employees and dept_emp requires that you first insert a record in employees, and then insert a (related) record in dept_emp.

ON DELETE CASCADE means that if you remove record 999903 from employees, record 999903 will automatically be removed from dept_emp as well.

In brief, make sure the relationship between employees and dept_emp is valid and 999903 exists in employees so that you don’t get the same error the next time you try inserting 999903 in dept_emp.

SOLUTION: As explained in the article preceding this video, double-check if you’ve first inserted information about employee number 999903 in the employees table. Only then you should proceed with inserting information in the titles and dept_emp tables.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for SQL SELF JOIN – A Solution without JOIN -

Hi Maros!

Thanks for reaching out.

The cases in which using a self-join can be advantageous have been described in the lecture. In this particular example, so long as you obtain the same output, then your query is more than valid. Thank you very much for sharing an alternative.
Why do we use a self-join in this lecture? Because we wanted to teach you how to use this tool. Otherwise, it is true that sometimes identical output can be obtained by using different queries.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for secure-file-priv option in MYSQL -

Hi K.C Otieno!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can you please let us know when do you obtain this error message? Is it during an attempt to load the employees database?

Looking forward to your answer.

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Answer for Missing video in the 'Python for Finance' course ? -

Hi Johannes!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Thank you for pointing this out! We will address this issue now and will try to respond as soon as possible!

Hope this helps.

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Answer for Reset Parameter Error in Python + SQL + Tableau -

Hi David!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Please try downgrading the scikit-learn package, restart the kernel and retry. Version 0.22 as opposed to 0.23 could solve the problem.

Hope this helps.


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Answer for Printing out every object/ element in a list -

Hi Min!

Thanks for reaching out!

It depends on what you are aiming to achieve.

If you are looking for a more organised and frequently encountered piece of code, perhaps you can opt for the second option.

But if you are trying to obtain the output quickly, it seems that the first option is the one to choose.

You can help yourself with the time module to measure the time it takes Python to deliver the output while executing the two code cells.

import time

start = time.time()

for a in m:
print (m[m.index(a)], end = " ")

end = time.time()
print(end - start)


start = time.time()

for k in range(len(m)):
print (m[k], end = " ")

end = time.time()
print(end - start)

Hope this helps.

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Answer for SQL employees database -

Hi Hui!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can you please support your question with a screenshot? 

For example, do you mean that the icon for executing the entire code has greyed out? If that’s the case, then you can retry by using the keyboard combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Looking forward to your answer.

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Answer for How to Write SQL Subqueries -

Hi Hui!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can you please support your question with a screenshot? 

For example, do you mean that the icon for executing the entire code has greyed out? If that’s the case, then you can retry by using the keyboard combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Looking forward to your answer.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Answer for Else if, for Brief - ELIF -

Hi Divya!

Thanks for reaching out.

Thank you for providing this screenshot! From it, I can see that the three code cells you have have not been executed consecutively. Do you think that you may have executed some different code (or different version of the code from the first cell) before executing the code cells of executions 20 and 21?

Please find below the output I obtained after I ran the same code (and which, I believe, is the expected output in this situation).

Hope this helps but please feel free to get back to us should you need further assistance. Thank you.


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Answer for Data Visualization with Python, R, Tableau, and Excel -

Hi Lisa, 

thanks for reaching out!

There is indeed a part 2 of combo charts, which will be uploaded soon.

It will feature a bar & line combination chart, so keep an eye for that chapter in the coming weeks 🙂



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Friday, July 17, 2020

Exception handling in Python -

Exception handling is one of the Python features that allow you to anticipate errors in your code and deal with them in advance. Although learning how to handle exceptions may seem challenging at first, it will prove to be an indispensable tool in your Python programming arsenal.

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PyCharm -

This section introduces another highly functional IDE – PyCharm. Using PyCharm not only helps your Python programming, but familiarity with it is a common prerequisite for a career in data science.

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Installing Python and Using Virtual Environments on Windows and Unix -

In this section, we will learn how to install Python using virtual environments. That will enable you to set different sorts of sandbox versions of Python on your machine to avoid potential conflicts between different Python versions.

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Practical case study -

In this section of the course, we will blend the knowledge acquired in the previous lessons with a practical exercise that shows how the principles covered so far can be applied in a real-life situation. We will study how the Supply Chain division of a company works and how business analytics helps run operations smoothly.

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Data visualization for business analytics -

In this section, you will learn how to create powerful data visualizations to communicate your message. As BI tools are winning popularity, people are less interested in getting information from long pages of text. You will understand how to tell a story in a format that is easy to read and, quite importantly, gives your audience clear answers without the help of an analyst.

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Answer for Wes Anderson in R -

Hi Rajasingh, 

thanks for reaching out! You can install the wesanderson package with:


Or if you prefer, you could use the devtools option:


Hope this helps!

365 Eli

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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Test page -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Answer for Simple Linear Regression with sklearn – Summary Table -

Hi Manish, 

the reg.predict(1740) doesn’t appear to be running in the newer versions of Python. Instead you could try the following:

new_array = np.array(1740).reshape(-1,1)

Do let us know if there is still an issue.


365 Eli


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Answer for Empty Bar Chart - Homework page -

Hi Anton, 

there is no homework task for the bar chart section(it was added by mistake). But we’ve added the homework tasks for the stacked area chart and line chart chapters. You can check them out here:



365 Eli

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Answer for No link for a downladable file -

Hi Anton, 

you’re absolutely right, thanks for bringing this to our attention! You can now download the pdf course notes files, just scroll down to the bottom of the page.



365 Eli

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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Answer for What does the Employees DB look like as a ER Diagram and Relational Schema? -

Hi Edwin!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

You can do that in several ways.

You can click on File/New Model and use the left pane to add tables of interest.

Alternatively, you can select Database/Reverse Engineer and follow the instructions to obtain an EER Diagram.

Finally, we have provided a *.pdf file containing the relational schema for the employees table. You can find it below the following video from the course.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for Stored procedures IN and OUT -

Hi Lisa!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

In fact, we have only provided this procedure as an exercise and it has been meant to work for records that contain a unique combination of first and last name of the individual.

To solve this problem, a GROUP BY p_first_name clause can be added to the SELECT statement within the procedure. Here’s the entire code which you can use as a reference.



CREATE PROCEDURE emp_info(in p_first_name varchar(255), in p_last_name varchar(255), out p_emp_no integer)

INTO p_emp_no FROM
employees e
e.first_name = p_first_name
AND e.last_name = p_last_name
GROUP BY p_first_name;



CALL emp_info('Georgi', 'Facello', @p_emp_no);
SELECT @p_emp_no;

Hope this helps.

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Answer for CROSS JOIN exercise 1 -

Hi Lisa!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can you please paste the code of the query, as well as a bigger screenshot showing the output precisely? Currently, I am unable to clearly read the letters and thus provide assistance. Thank you!

Looking forward to your answer.

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Answer for Showing more fields with MAX -

Hi Lisa!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

There are perhaps even more solutions but please consider the following two suggestions. 

Basically, we need to either use a subquery in order to specify the employee with what salary we are interested in.

MIN(s.salary), e.first_name
employees e
salary, emp_no
LIMIT 1) s ON e.emp_no = s.emp_no;

Alternatively, we can take advantage of the ORDER BY clause to obtain/find the same value.

e.emp_no, s.salary, e.first_name, e.last_name
salaries s
employees e ON s.emp_no = e.emp_no

Hope this helps.

Please feel free to use these queries and adjust them in a way that will deliver precisely the information you are interested in.

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Answer for Starting a Database in SQL -

Hi Akosua!

Thanks for reaching out.

This is namely the name of the database (and table) that we will create and work with throughout the First Steps in SQL section of the course.

Please feel free to proceed and execute all code we have provided in the lectures, exercises and solutions in the suggested order.

Good luck and please feel free to post another question should you encounter other difficulties. Thank you.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for kernel issue in Jupyter -

Hi Akhil!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

Can you please execute the following command in Anaconda Prompt/Terminal, depending on whether you are a Windows or Mac user.

conda list

If you don’t find tensorflow in there, can you please execute 

conda info --envs 

and see if the relevant library has not been stored only within the environment you are currently using?

Hope this helps.

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Answer for What after this course? -

Hi Omkar!

Thanks for reaching out.

It is always great to hear about a student who is so motivated. Such level of motivation is required in order to complete the many hours of video we’ve provided, as well as the multiple exercises attached to them.

As a matter of fact, the 365 Data Science Program is a complete track, while we are constantly increasing the content provided in it. Therefore, the program has not been created with the idea to lead you to doing the next step elsewhere. On the contrary, here you can find all the material you may need in order to make your first and next steps into the world of Data Science.

Good luck and please feel free to post another question should you encounter other difficulties. Thank you.


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Answer for How to extract an index from a DataFrame? -

Hi Miguel!

Thanks for reaching out.

Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.

You can use the .index attribute to obtain an index object containing the index values. Also, you can use indexing on top of using this attribute to obtain a specific value from the index – .index[]. For instance, you can use .index[0] applied to the relevant DataFrame.

Hope this helps.

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Answer for Print function in Python 3 -

Hi Nitin and Miguel!

Thanks for reaching out.

@Nitin: As Miguel suggests, you are right. 

Please feel free to refer to the following video from the course for an explanation. Thank you.

Hope this helps.

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Data Visualization -

The Data Visualization course is designed for everyone looking to deepen their understanding of creating meaningful and compelling visualizations. Whether you’re coming from a business or data science-related field, knowledge in data visualization is both important and advantageous. That’s precisely why this course is centered not in just one, but four different environments: Excel, Tableau, Python, and R. Each section is dedicated to a specific type of chart – bar charts, pie charts, area charts, line charts and many more. In addition, there are lectures that specifically explore what to avoid when creating a certain graphic. You can stick with your preferred environment and follow each section. Or you could master all four environments and add indispensable skills to your data visualization toolset.

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Scatter Plot -

In this section, you will learn how to create a scatter plot of real estate data. First, we’ll observe the relationship between California’s real estate pricing and the area of properties. Then, you’ll make a scatter plot in Excel, Tableau Python, and R and finish the section with valuable tips on what makes a good scatter plot.

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Histogram -

This section centers around the histogram – an integral part of the data analysis process. We will create a histogram of the price of California’s real estate. Here, we devote an extra lecture and explore how to choose the right number of bins for your histogram.

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Line Chart -

In this section, we continue discussing time series data. We will turn our attention to the financial world and explore the stock market returns for two major indices: S&P 500 and FTSE 100. In conclusion, you’ll find out the advantages of using a line chart and what you should be wary of when creating one.

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Stacked Area Chart -

Here, you will create your own stacked area chart. Once again, our data follows the automobile theme with one additional element – time series, as the chart follows the popularity of different engine fuel types across the years.

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Pie Chart -

In this section, we explore pie charts, which, despite criticism, are among the most popular visualizations. You will learn how to create a pie chart of engine fuel types in Excel, Tableau, Python, and R, and discover what to avoid when making a pie chart.

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Bar Chart - A Brief Intro To Each Environment -

We dive straight into visualization with the bar chart! We will take a look at a data set for second-hand car advertisements and use it to create a bar chart in Excel, Tableau, Python, and R. We’ll also lift the curtain on the key elements to making an outstanding bar chart.

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Setting Up the Working Environments -

Here, we set up different environments for the course. First, we will guide you through the installation process for Tableau. Then, you will get familiar with the step-by-step process of installing Anaconda and Jupyter and an introductory tour of the Jupyter Dashboard for Python. Finally, you’ll learn how to install R and R studio, explore the latter’s main features and learn how to customize its appearance.

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Introduction to The Course -

In this section, you will learn about the importance of data visualization, as well as some theoretical foundations for creating charts. We introduce popular frameworks for choosing an appropriate visualization for your data, discuss color theory, and show different approaches to selecting the colors for your graphic.

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Combo Plots Part 1 - Scatter and Trendline (Regression Plot) -

We’ll explore a combination chart of a scatter and a regression line by using marketing data and a regression line to quantify the relationship between a company’s advertising budget and its sales. You will learn how to create a regression scatter in Excel, Tableau, Python, and R, and discover different types of relationships between features in data.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Answer for Introduction to R programming -

Hi Michael, 

thanks for reaching out! Let’s go through the different answers. 

  1. ‘Vectors are a sequence of data elements that are of the same type’ – is correct. 

       2.’Multiplying two vectors returns a matrix’ – The multiplication of two vectors doesn’t always a return matrix, it could return on a                    single value(technically a single value could also be seen as 1×1 matrix, so this answer isn’t posed completely correctly). 

       3. ‘R returns an error message if you try to do operations on vectors of different lengths’ – When it comes to multiplying vectors of                 different lengths, R doesn’t throw an error. Instead it does so called recycling, i.e. recycles the shorter of the two vectors to match             the length of the longer one and perform the operation. 

       4. ‘All of the above’. We’ve discussed that 2 and 3 are not true. => Only the first of the four answers is strictly true.



365 Eli

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We Found You Something Better -

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